Probably the most exciting moment in baking is when the timer dings to let you know that your bake is finally done! Opening the oven door to reveal your bake can be nerve-wracking as you wonder how it turned out. Will it be browned perfectly? Will it be cooked thoroughly? Will it be the right texture this time?

It can be disappointing on those days when you meet with a very common problem: a cake that looks great on the outside but soon collapses into itself! After all those hours you spent preparing the ingredients and hoping to have a beautiful cake to enjoy, it’s definitely a downer when your cake doesn’t turn out the way you want it to.

On such a day, you might find yourself turning to your backup plan of ordering cakes online for delivery instead. But read on to understand why your cake sinks and how to avoid it for your next bake!

The cake was underbaked

Cakes that are not cooked through will sink because the middle is still wet and doughy. For a cake to support itself, it needs to be thoroughly cooked and have that spongy texture throughout.

Two possibilities may be the cause of underbaked cakes: the wrong temperature or not enough cooking time.

To solve the temperature issue, ensure that your oven is at the right temperature before placing your cake into the oven. Not all oven temperatures are accurate, so it’s best to use an oven thermometer to help you.

With regard to cooking time, some factors, like the wetness of your batter or the size of your cake pan, might affect the time required for your cake to cook through. Try using a variety of methods to check if your cake is done rather than relying strictly on the stipulated baking time.

You added too much leavening agent

Leavening agents like baking soda or baking powder are essential for the rising action in cakes. They work by reacting with other ingredients in the batter and producing gas, which adds those air pockets to the cake.

However, too much leavening agent can cause your cake to rise too quickly. Excess build-up of gases leads to these gases escaping from the cake, and the cake collapses as a result.

To avoid such an issue, always make sure you follow the recipe on which type of leavening agent to use (baking powder and baking soda are not the same!) and how much to use. For measurements involving spoons or cups, ensure to level out the top of the spoon or cup, so you are not adding an extra heap to your batter.

Someone slammed the oven door

It sounds incredulous, but yes – slamming the oven door can have an effect on your bakes, especially for something delicate like a cake. Any violent action that causes your cake to wobble or rock can cause the uncooked layers to sink.

If it is necessary to rotate your cake midway through baking, try to do it as gently as possible without causing huge motions to the cake. In general, try to resist the urge to open the oven door too often to check on your cake – this would also have the added effect of lowering your oven temperature each time you open it!

The batter was overbeaten

Identifying the perfect consistency of cake batter comes with experience; that’s why this mistake can be challenging for rookie bakers to spot. Recipes always caution against overbeating the batter because what this does is introduce more air into the mixture.

As we have learnt from what happens with an excess leavening agent, having too much air is not a good thing, as it causes the cake to eventually deflate. So, if your cakes tend to sink and you’re not sure why – try paying more attention to how you mix your ingredients the next time. Compare them to videos or photos of how the batter should look and seek to achieve that.


Encountering problems with baking can be frustrating simply because it takes so much effort just for one baking session. However, the sweet rewards of problem-solving and improving every bake is a satisfying one indeed! Now that you know some of the reasons that could cause cakes to sink, hopefully, you will find success with your next cake bake!

If not, Polar Puffs & Cakes will always have your back for days you need a pick-me-up after a failed baking session. Indulge in comforting, nostalgic favourites like pandan swiss rolls and curry puffs anytime with our online pastry delivery in Singapore!